Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Well, well, well...guess who emailed me?  Yep!  When I got back to my desk after lunch yesterday, there it was just waiting for me to devour it.  But I didn't.  My heart didn't even skip a beat like it used to do when we were "together" and I'd get an email from him and felt like a schoolgirl in love.  

It's just sitting in my in-box...not even taunting me.  No, really, Bob...it's not.

I used to tell him, "If you are going to send me an email that might upset me, please, please, please do not send it on a Monday or in the middle of the day while I'm at work.  Please."  I really don't want to get any kind of bad news while I'm sitting at my desk and have hours to go before I can leave and have to pretend that those aren't tears...I have allergies.  No...I do.

So, what does he do?  Sends it at noon...on a Monday.  Really?

All I know is that it's quite short.  Truth is, I'm not really all that curious...which speaks volumes about the strides I am making in my own emotional healing.  He couldn't talk to me when I needed him to.  He sent me emails full of things he couldn't follow through on.  And he can't pick up the phone now to have a real adult "big person" conversation, so it really can't be all that important. 

Some friends have said to delete it immediately without reading it.  Others have said to open it immediately (they're more curious than I am).   And others have said to put it aside and save it for another day.  Although, to be honest, I'm leaning towards deletion.  But I think I'll just put it aside for now.  There is no need to make any decision on it today.  Or tomorrow.  Or even next week. 

Another friend said I should forward it to all of my friends and allow them to respond to him.  In any way they see fit.  No, I won't do that - but the idea is somewhat genius, if juvenile.  And would have been something I might have considered if I was a recently and unexpectedly dumped schoolgirl in love.

I'm not a schoolgirl.

UPDATED EMAIL ALERT:  07/11/12 - another email was received last night (about 7:30pm) - which also has remained unopened for the time being.

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